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1st Grade

Salvation Series, Genesis, Life of Christ, Paul

2nd Grade

Salvation Series, Life of Moses, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Jonah, Favorite Bible Stories, Christmas, Crucifixion and Resurrection

3rd Grade 

Salvation Series, Parables, Samuel, David, Elijah, Elisha, Daniel, Ezra/Nehemiah, Esther, Christmas, Crucifixion and Resurrection

4th Grade

Salvation Series, Genesis, Life of Christ, Life of Paul

5th Grade

Salvation Series, Life of Moses, Tabernacle, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Jonah, Samuel, Christmas, Crucifixion and Resurrection, Life of David


Saxon Math 

1st through 5th Grade

Saxon Math has an incremental structure that distributes content throughout the year. This integrated and connected approach provides deep, long-term mastery of the content and skills called for in the Common Core State Standards.




Purposeful Design

1st through 5th Grade

Purposeful Design Science is an inquiry-based, hands-on approach to science instruction that gives students numerous opportunities to discover principles and truths of God's creation. Students will marvel at the wonders of Creation both as inhabitants and caretakers as they study, explore, and discover the world God has created

Social Studies


1st Grade

In My America and My World, students will learn how our country was founded and what our basic freedoms are.

2nd Grade

Our America takes students back into history to learn what life would have been like in our country’s early days.

3rd Grade

Our American Heritage is a biographical study of the people who made an impact on American history through their character, contributions, and courage.

4th Grade

The History of Our United States is a high-interest, inspiring, narrative approach to American history.

5th Grade

Old World History and Geography presents a fascinating study of the Eastern Hemisphere by geographical regions starting with the Middle East, where history began.

English Language Arts

McGraw Hill Wonders

1st through 4th Grade

Wonders is a comprehensive ELA program, designed to meet the challenges of today’s classroom and reach all learners. A wealth of research-based print and digital resources provide unmatched support for building strong literacy foundations, accessing complex texts, engaging in collaborative conversations, and writing to sources



5th Grade

Sadlier is based on the principle that the primary purpose of grammar instruction is to improve student writing, this grammar program teaches the conventions of standard English and takes students through the complete writing process as they write arguments, informative/explanatory texts, and narratives.

Music & Performing Arts
Physical Education
Technology & Character Development
Visual Arts

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